Monday, November 10, 2008
Can Ya See Us Now?
The Heated Pool
Friday, October 31, 2008
The Solar System
We took a break in late July and traveled around Central America for a few weeks. Upon our return the students were waiting, some chomping at the bit, to get back into the pool. Due to the lack of rain, we cancelled very few classes and all went well through September.
October was rainy. We had one minor cold front pass through, which took some of our younger kids out of the water. The pool cover helps hold in the heat, but the ground gets cold at night and cools down the water temperature. We were also rained out quite a bit this month in the afternoons. It is a shame because we're working with a pretty full schedule.
Pablo gets up at 6am or so and starts to work in the patio. He cleans the pool and puts in the chemicals it needs. He cleans the mats outside and brings out the tools and toys for the day. He has been doing this in the dark. We start class at 8am and by the time we finish at 9am the sun is just peaking over the tree top next door and barely touching the swimming pool. This past weekend we turned the clocks back. At least Pablo can now work in daylight and the sun pops out at 8am instead of 9am. And then came the cold front.
This is a real cold front. This morning, Maestro Pablo, Mike and I did our warm up exercises and got into the pool. (The others are waiting for warmer water!) We walked and ran laps in an attempt to maintain our body heat. The pool measured in at 77°F. The outside air? 71°F. I will admit I RAN from the pool to a hot shower after it was over, but we did it. We all feel better if we do our morning pool exercises.
We have been researching solar heating for the swimming pool half-heartedly for a year. Last year at this time the pool was finally renovated, filled, and ready for swimming and it was too bloody cold! The only swimmers were a Canadian family that house and cat sat for us in December. Oh, and Lynne from Alaska got in the pool just because it was filled the day before her two month stay here ended! Basically you had to be from 36°N or above to think the pool was an option. My friends outside of Mérida tell me: "We northerners still think 75-80°F is warm enough to swim in a pool." Well, we tropical people think if the pool is below 80° it is only melted ice. We get used to the temperature being above 90°F for 24 hours a day from April through September. When it rapidly drops 20° around us we get cold.
Upon our return from vacation in August we started researching in earnest the solar heating system for the pool. Pablo and I separately investigated over the internet, spoke to people, drove around to pool service companies. We talked to everyone listed in the phonebook and newspaper. I searched the Merida Insider and begged the knowledgeable gringos to help. I offered to bring a friend in from Hawaii who could put it together AND explain it to me! To no avail. We were so frustrated. How could this, one of the sunniest places on earth, not have solar power available and inexpensive? It seems to be a waste of energy. Our electric bills go up, we seek sources for energy, and then it is not available or not affordable.
The doorbell just rang. It is the solar system. The guys are here to install the panels on the roof, hook them up to the pool filter, and we are finally, actually, truly heating the pool. Today, folks! October 31, 2008. I imagine it takes a few days for it to actually heat up the pool. I don't know the specifics yet. As I said, the doorbell just rang. Time to learn something new. ¡Viva Solar Power!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Solar Heating On The Way
Next up for us is solar heating the pool. I have been searching for months for someone to help us solarize the pool. Once the cold fronts start marching in the pool water will be too cold for me. I can not even picture little kids with no body fat in there! So I called upon last year's electrician/plumber Miguel and he is interested in the project. Pablo and I are researching all we can online. I am printing out information for Miguel. Hopefully by the end of this month we can boast a solar heated pool and continue our classes throughout the winter months. If you are reading this in Canada or Michigan, you may wonder how cold this water could be if it is still in the 90's outside during the days. The water is pumped from a well that was dug for the pool on the property. There are no rivers in the Yucatán. All the fresh water travels underground. This means the water we fill the pool with is like the cenotes around here, freezing cold. The sun warms it up and we have a cover for it that also helps hold in the heat. But on a cool morning, say 70's, at 8am it is not easy thinking about freezing ones nipples off. Therefore we need to heat the pool. It broke my heart seeing it full all winter and never using it. The only swimmers were the Canadian family that house/cat sat for us when we went traveling over the holidays.
We have learned a lot about taking good care of the pool so we do not have to empty it every time a kid pees in there. We have accepted our fate of scrubbing the pool once or twice a week as if it were our luxurious yacht. It is worth it. Right now it is high noon, hot and humid. I am going to finish this newsletter and spend a little time in the pool before I start the crazy afternoon of Mommies, Grandmas, little kids, creating receipts and ice water service.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The Boat
Yesterday everyone arrived all smiles and ready to work out. Slave driver Pablo was rather easy on us having had a few weeks off. Everyone, myself included, agreed how much better we feel maintaining this exercise program. We eat better, we sleep better, we feel better in general, and are firming up and in some cases losing weight. Later in the day when the temperature crosses that 100 degree mark it is not as unbearably hot as it would be without our daily cooling off.
So why is this article called the boat? Because I have realized that owning a pool is much like owning a boat. I should paint a name on the side! For my afternoon cooldown I now take tools into the " boat" with me, a brush to scrub any new algae that is contemplating formation on the sides or bottom, a strainer to catch little leaves and these tiny weird black grease balls that show up on the surface, the chemical test kit to make sure the "cocktail" is just right.....but hey, it is just more exercise and cooling off, isn't it?
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Kukulcan Fun in June
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Ko'ox Báab (Mayan for "Let's Go Swimming!" or "¡Vamos A Nadar!") opened in March, 2008, when the innovative duo Maestro Pablo and Directora Linda recognized a need for such a place here in el centro, the center of the city of Mérida. We are half an hour from the beach at Progreso, an hour from Celestún, and a few hours from the Mexican Caribbean. It is extremely hot here from May until November, and warm enough year round to make spending time near water a popular past time. Almost every Yucatecan family goes to the beach. The problem has been that not many of the people have had the opportunity to learn to swim.
Aquatic exercise is considered to be one of the best forms of exercise. It is often recommended by doctors to help sufferers of several conditions. Linda's "condition" was lack of exercise, so the duo decided to set up water aerobics as part of the school's offerings. The participants, who have been exercising now for five months, feel healthier and happier for the effort. When it is 100°F in the shade, if you can find any, cooling off to music and working out in the pool is a delightful experience that does not even resemble exercise....most of the time. Maestro Pablo is lovingly known as "the slavedriver" but he knows how to get folks moving!
The first three month session of swim classes, or aquatic integration, as Ko'ox Báab prefers to call the course, ended with a multi-family excursion to the giant Kukulcan Sports Complex Olympic Swimming Pool in late June. At least one of the alumni has gone on to participate in synchronized swimming, and all of them were proud to hold their certificates of completion and show their newly learned skills to their families.
Ko'ox Báab is geared up to start classes tomorrow, September 1, 2008. The pool has been painted, tools and pool toys upgraded, new signs and fliers abound, and new students are ready to get swimming!